Saturday, 2024-05-04Welcome, Guest! | RSS

Hey, my name is Nik, and I've loved gaming since I was a little kid, first games I ever played were Halo 1, and Halo 2 (yes I played Xbox, don't bitch).

After that, I played Playstation 1Gamecube, the N64, and have yet to play the Atari, and these are all GREAT consoles (obviously), but NOT because of the graphics (we can ALL agree. they SUCKED), but because they were HUGE machines for the gaming industry, so I love 'em!

Playstation 1









As of late, I've gotten WAY more into PC gaming because:

1. PC is Alpha

2. It can run WAY more processes AND games at a time than ANY other console can

3. It may be a bit more expensive but I just made a computer than can run EVERY game on HD quality, and I only payed (670), AND even those consoles are cheaper, you can pay off a comp WAY faster than you can pay off a console, mainly cause PC's have WAY better deals on games, and software... and normally I wouldn't say this.. but PC is the Alpha Race!



So, that's a little bit about me,  head over to my forums page and enter your information, like WHAT was your first system you played on? Are you over 20? Was the first game you played Oregon Trail? If so, definitely, leave it in the comment section below, OR in the forums!!!!!